
About Me

I am an atypical soccer mom, compliance guru and photographer who's trying hard to have it all. When not taking pictures of my cats, you can find me napping in the quiet car of the commuter train or yelling from the sidelines of a U13 lacrosse game. 

I photograph a wide range of subjects including nature, animals, people, macabre, self portraits, urban and more.  

I can be found at:

More about my photography:


- Tattoo II, Chicago Photography Center (January 2013)
- The Dubious Quintette, Chicago Photography Center (July/August 2012)
- Art Takes Times Square (June 2012)
- 5x5 Exhibit, Martell Tasting Event (June 2012)
- Rochester Contemporary Art Center 6x6x2011 (2011)
- Serenity Lounge in Wood Dale, Illinois (2009 - 2011)


- 5x5 Issue 3: Elements (December 2012)
- fPOE Collective, curator and editor (2012 - present)
- fPOE Collective Issue 4: Reflections (December 2012)
- fPOE Collective Issue 2: Hot in the Summer (June 2012)
- fPOE Collective Issue 1: New Beginnings (May 2012)
- F-Stop Magazine Issue 52: Open (April 2012)
- Art and Live, a book published by New Art Review (March 2012)
- F-Stop Magazine Issue 51: The Portrait (February 2012)
- Method Press Issue 3: A Moving Target (December 2011)
- Still: the art of living (fPOE book published July 2011)
- Cantigny Park and Gardens Facebook Page album (2011)
- Schmap, Chicago 2010 edition for Brookfield Zoo


- The Daily Mail (January 23, 2013)
- TheNaperville Sun (October 3, 2012)
- Michigan Avenue Magazine (August 29, 2012)
- The Naperville Sun Blog Log (April 2012)
- The Naperville Sun (March 2012)
- FOX Business Small Business of the Day (February 23, 2012)
- The Naperville Sun (October 2011)
- Handmade News (2009)


- The Artisan Group
- The Chicago Photography Center
- Female Photographers of Etsy

As a member I have been included in celebrity swag bags for Sarah Jessica Parker, Jessica Alba, the GBK Oscars Gift Lounge, GBK Golden Globes Gift Lounge and the GBK Primetime Emmys Gift Lounge in addition to various charitable donations.

So Goodbye Thirty,
Hello Forty!